AI Script Coverage | Clear your backlog in a fraction of the time

Send your script PDF to and receive industry-approved coverage in minutes. Get to greenlight, faster.

What's in a ScriptPro coverage report?

The Complete Picture: Every Detail You Need, Delivered Fast.


At-a-Glance Details

  • Title
  • Writer
  • Page Count
  • Genre

Story Essentials

  • Logline
  • Synopsis
  • Character Descriptions
  • Settings & Time Period

Stylistic Snapshot

  • Themes
  • Target Audience

How does ScriptPro work?


Purchase tokens below

Each script costs one "token" to process. Scroll down to purchase one or more tokens below - then you'll be ready to send in your scripts for coverage!


Email your script PDF

Send or forward an email with a PDF attachment to


Receive your script coverage and be meeting-ready in minutes!

Within 15-20 minutes, we'll deliver your report to your inbox! Read through our report and feel ready for any script discussion in minutes!

Fast, Reliable Script Coverage Plans

Customized Solutions for Industry Professionals

Pay-as-You-Go Coverage

$ 25per script

Perfect for occasional needs

Get started quickly and conveniently by emailing your script to

Most Popular

Prepay and Save

$ 20per script

Ideal for teams and frequent users

Pay upfront, then email scripts for instant service, without additional transaction hassles!

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Get industry-approved AI script coverage in minutes - email!